У статті розглянуто витоки та тенденції формування класифікаційної структури київських готелів за рівнем комфорту. На основі джерел інформації, виданих до 1917 року, зроблений сис-тематичний аналіз за трьома періодами історичного розвитку го-тельного господарства міста та визначена класифікація за рівнем
комфорту київських готелів і мебльованих кімнат упродовж другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.
The structural stratification of the hotel business in Kyiv began
to take place in the first half of the nineteenth century. Therefore, in the early
1870’s, the city faced an urgent problem of differentiation of hotels in terms of
comfort. By the example of Moscow and St. Petersburg the French classification
system of city hotels was adopted for use: first-class, second-class, small hotels
and furnished houses and rooms.
The first mention of the classification division dates back to 1869, when the
existing Kiev hotels were divided into three classes: the first, second and third.
Depending on editions and preferences of editors, names of classification levels
during the second half of the nineteenth century were constantly changed – the
first order, the first rate, the higher grade, top priority, etc.
Relying only on the informative database published before 1917, a
comprehensive analysis of more than 70 sources of historical literature was
conducted, a consolidated register and built structure of hotel affiliation to
different classification levels during 1850-1916 was made. All this period can be
divided into three main periods of formation, which in time measurements fully
coincide with the general stages of evolution of the hotel business of the city:
the stage of formation, the stage of development and the stage of prosperity.
The research revealed the main feature of this period of the formation of
Kyiv hotels, which was the complete uncertainty and confusion of the city’s
classification system. The analysis allowed to understand more clearly and
to formulate the structuring of Kiev hotels by the level of comfort at different
historical stages of development, to determine the total number of hotels in the
classification lists, as well as to investigate the changes that took place during
the seventy years in the urban hotel business.