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dc.contributor.author Дмитренко, Нікіта
dc.contributor.author Dmytrenko, Nikita
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-31T11:06:26Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-31T11:06:26Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Дмитренко Н. Портрети графів Браницьких герба Корчак XVIII–XIX ст. (живопис, графіка) / Нікіта Дмитренко // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2017. Вип. 26. С. 326-334. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті вперше досліджуються мистецькі портретні зображення членів старовинного польського роду Браницьких герба Корчак XVIIІ–XIX ст. з приватної графської колекції, означене коло художників-портретистів, описано портрети з фондів Білоцерків-ського краєзнавчого музею (Україна), палацу Воронцова в Алупці (АР Крим), Національного музею у Варшаві та Національного музею у Кракові (Польща), Державного Російського музею в Санкт-Петербурзі (РФ), колекції замку Монтрезор (Франція), Філадельфійського музею мистецтв (США). The article is the first to investigate artistic portraits of the Branicki in the 18th–19th centuries. In the process of forming the portrait part of their artistic collection, the Branicki were rather active participants of the historical process of emergence and consolidation of the Western European tradition of pictorial and graphic portrait in Ukraine. A circle of artists was marked who were portraying the Branicki. The article describes portraits from the funds of the Bila Tserkva Local History Museum, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Autonomous Republic of Crimea), the National Museum in Warsaw, the National Museum in Krakow, the State Russian Museum in Saint-Petersburg, the collection of the Montresor Castle in France, Philadelphia Museum of Art (USA), etc. The study was done within the framework of scientific research at the Department of Theory and History of Arts of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture on the investigation of private collections of European art in Ukraine, which belonged to aristocratic families of the 18th – early 20th centuries. The study of the portraits of Counts Branicki from the Korczak coat of arms family, which belong to the family collections, prompts the following conclusions: the authors include representatives of the European painting school who worked at the Polish royal court and in the families of Polish noblemen (J. M. Grassi). Most probably, the Branicki were also portrayed by A. Miris and M. Bacciarelli, but this line of research should continue. The portraits of Counts Branicki were also performed by European artists working at the Russian imperial court (R. Brompton, J.-B. Lampi (the Elder), Angelica Katharina Kauffmann, George Hayter, Franz Xaver Winterhalter and Janos Rombauer). A large portrait group includes works whose authors were famous Polish artists (Leon Kaplinski, Franciszek Krudowski, Aleksandr Tadeusz Regulski, Iza Mikulska, Jozef Holewinski, Jan Styfi, Marcіn Salb, Julian Schubeler [Schuebeler]) and Western European artists: Louis-Leopold Boilly, Ary Scheffer, Couture Thomas, Muraton, Alphonse Charles Turner and Blanchard AugusteJean-Baptiste-Marie. Evidence of some portraits in the interiors of Bila Tserkva palaces of the Branicki was found and documented on historical photos (photos of the interiors of the Branicki’s Summer Palace). en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject колекція en_US
dc.subject Браницькі en_US
dc.subject західноєвропейський портрет en_US
dc.subject живопис en_US
dc.subject фонди en_US
dc.subject collection en_US
dc.subject the Branicki en_US
dc.subject Western European portrait en_US
dc.subject painting en_US
dc.subject funds en_US
dc.title Портрети графів Браницьких герба Корчак XVIII–XIX ст. (живопис, графіка) en_US
dc.title.alternative Portraits of Counts Branicki from the Korczak coat of arms family of the 18th–19th centuries (painting, graphic arts) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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