Репозиторий Национальной академии изобразительного искусства и архитектуры

Творчість Ву Вейшана у контексті національних класичних традицій та вільного експресіонізму

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dc.contributor.author Чжан, Ібо
dc.contributor.author Zhang, Yibo
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-01T07:39:24Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-01T07:39:24Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Чжан Ібо. Творчість Ву Вейшана у контексті національних класичних традицій та вільного експресіонізму / Ібо Чжан // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2017. Вип. 26. С. 335-344. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті досліджується творчість видатного китайського скульптора Ву Вейшана, аналізуються його монументальні й станко-ві роботи, визначено поняття «скульптура вільного експресіонізму», що характеризує стильову установку його пластики, своєрідну манеру, яка зближує культури Сходу й Заходу. This article deals with the famous Chinese sculptor Wu Weishan, whose art is well known not only in many provinces of our country, but also in many countries of the world. The exhibitions of works of this artist are always very popular, gaining a wide circles of supporters of his talent around the world and the desire of many museums to introduce his works to the plans of their exhibition work, marked, as it was claimed in Europe, an exciting expressive form. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, the sculptural heritage of Wu Weishan was little known before, and only in recent years, experts in oriental plastics, the professionals who are aware of its expressive plastic, in which is expressed the essence of Chinese wisdom, embodied in the teachings of Confucius and Lao Tzu. As follows, the task of this scientific publication follows from the goal of the study – to highlight the specifics of the sculptural heritage of the outstanding artist from Beijing and to analyze his main works, which makes up and set the scientific goal. The problem of «His exciting expressive form ...» spoken from a high podium in France, expressed the essential aspects of Wu Weishans plastic that with its deep roots reaches from the ancient traditions of Chinese art and emotion expressive means meets the criteria of innovative ideas about creativity. The artist gives to his art an opportunity to know human beings in a person and directs it to the way in which such knowledge borders on the notions of Goodness. Wu Weishan thus identifies the purpose of man to be directed towards to the Good, and with him – the morals, beauty and purity that was predetermined by the culture, art of China during the millennia of their development. Wu Weishan, as a sculptor, invites the viewer to recognize and assert a spiritual, beautiful, human in man, and this moral has in China an ancient humanistic roots. The author raised in the article highlight the purpose of art of the sculptor Wu Weishan as a national artist of high artistic quality, who knows, loves, honors East and reaches out openness, sincerity and kindness of the West, asserting their own multifaceted practice: culture has no any boundaries, it belongs to humanity. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject китайська скульптура en_US
dc.subject Лао-цзи en_US
dc.subject Конфуцій en_US
dc.subject гуманізм en_US
dc.subject традиція en_US
dc.subject Ґохуа en_US
dc.subject експресивність en_US
dc.subject форма en_US
dc.subject пластика en_US
dc.subject Chinese sculpture en_US
dc.subject philosophy of Confucius and Tzu en_US
dc.subject humanism en_US
dc.subject canon en_US
dc.subject tradition en_US
dc.subject poetry en_US
dc.subject realism en_US
dc.subject ink wash painting «guohua» en_US
dc.subject expressiveness en_US
dc.subject form en_US
dc.subject plastic en_US
dc.subject subjects en_US
dc.title Творчість Ву Вейшана у контексті національних класичних традицій та вільного експресіонізму en_US
dc.title.alternative Wu Weishan’s creativity in the context of national classical traditions and free expressionism en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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