Репозитарій Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури

Навчальна програма з дисципліни «Рисунок» у початкових спеціалізованих навчальних закладах (ДХШ)

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dc.contributor.author Сухенко, Віктор
dc.contributor.author Засипкін, Олександр
dc.contributor.author Zasypkin, Oleksandr
dc.contributor.author Sukhenko, Victor
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-02T08:34:30Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-02T08:34:30Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Сухенко В., Засипкін О. Навчальна програма з дисципліни «Рисунок» у початкових спеціалізованих навчальних закладах (ДХШ) / Віктор Сухенко, Олександр Засипкін // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2016. Вип. 25. С. 53-66. en_US
dc.description.abstract Пропонована авторська навчальна програма з дис-ципліни «Рисунок» за зовнішньою і внутрішньою структурою успадко-вує традиційність у її складанні, розподілі бюджету навчальних годин, поступовому ускладненні навчального матеріалу, урахуванні вікових особливостей школярів відповідно до складності завдань тощо. Водночас авторська навчальна програма має свої особливості – це її максимальна адресність, під час вивчення школярами ключо-вого аспекту образотворчої грамоти – перспективних систематич-них, побудованих на філософії чутливості (сенситивності) школярів до певних методик.Пропонована навчальна програма має скорочений вигляд, аби її можна було вмістити у рамки вимог наукової статті. The training program of the Children’s Art School curriculum is a major educational document that governs its artistic and educational policy. The proposed curriculum author of discipline «Drawing» for its external and internal structure inherits traditional in its drafting, budget allocation of teaching hours, the gradual complication of educational material, age-appropriate students according to the complexity of tasks and more. Traditional inherited and content of education – formal (ie utilitarian) and non formal (creative tasks) that for many years the school of art crystallized in a stable, consistent, reasonable didactic teaching technology students in mastering specific system knowledge, skills of graphic literacy. To date, the subject matter is experiencing serious contradictions related, both from external factors such as – the Europeanization of our education in general, and internal – balance between tradition, expertise and innovation that it must be constantly addressed. Traditionalism is the main feature of the school including the content of the curriculum through which it expresses its position methodological point. However, life requires certain changes, certain revisions subject including curriculum as the main document of education, but this reconsideration must be motivated and scientifically justified. Forming a student conventional sense of space picture plane, is one of the main aspects of the subjects, on which you can build and other objects of art education. However, if you look at this aspect in terms of modern pedagogical concept – greening educational space, we can see that the use of methods of direct prospects as the main method of art school in the construction of standard space is not consistent with the principles of this idea. Use of direct prospects as a universal method for all vertical system of periodization age student contradicts important didactic principles of «accessibility» and «targeted» as a solution to this methodological problem is the hidden reserves of discipline that we try to solve with this program. Formation of vision due principally based teacher student age, which for years spent in Children’s Art School rapidly changing. History Children’s Art School it is reasonable criticism and history of use by direct perspectives of the initial art education, which today should be seen as a relic of an ideological partisanship art. We follow the principle that direct prospects methods should be considered not as a universal method in building advanced communications to all classes of artistic education as a separate method, which sensitive Children’s Art School pupils of senior classes. At the initial stage of training, or so-called «transition», according to our methodological ideas, we propose to use methods and orthogonal axonometric projections based on their opedahohizatsiyi. So with the advent of a new look at the problem in the formation of three-dimensional thinking and a vision student, appeared and new educational technology implementation in a training program. At the same time, the author’s curriculum is different – the maximum it targeted, while learning students – a key aspect of graphic letters – promising systematic, built on the philosophy of sensitivity (sensory) students to certain methods, which contributes to their teacher more deep and sustainable knowledge, skills. The proposed curriculum is abbreviated in order to fit into the framework of the requirements of the article. At the same time, the author’s curriculum is different – this is the maximum it targeted at students studying key aspects of graphic reading and writing – system events perspective, built on the philosophy of sensitivity pupils to certain procedures. It promotes the formation of their teacher more profound and sustainable knowledge, skills. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject cенcитивні періоди en_US
dc.subject традиція en_US
dc.subject опедагогізація en_US
dc.subject вікові особливості школярів en_US
dc.subject пряма перспектива en_US
dc.subject ортогональні та аксонометричні проекції en_US
dc.subject умовний простір картинної площини en_US
dc.subject sensitive periods tradition en_US
dc.subject age characteristics of students en_US
dc.subject direct perspective and orthogonal axonometric projection en_US
dc.subject conditional space picture plane en_US
dc.title Навчальна програма з дисципліни «Рисунок» у початкових спеціалізованих навчальних закладах (ДХШ) en_US
dc.title.alternative Training programme in the discipline «Drawing» in elementary special education – Children’s Art School en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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