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dc.contributor.author Храпачов, Олександр
dc.contributor.author Khrapachov, Oleksandr
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-02T09:32:34Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-02T09:32:34Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Храпачов О. Історичний аспект живопису / Олександр Храпачов // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2016. Вип. 25. С. 86-95. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті подано загальну характеристику живопису в контексті академічного мистецтва на основі історичного аналізу мистецьких шкіл та течій. A research reveals the general characteristic in understanding painting in the context of academic fine arts by means of historical analysis of art schools and trends. Studying historical aspect of painting and detection modern tendencies in painting and artistic vision enables to reconsider modern academic education. Every epoch has its own requirements to art, science and culture. These requirements are the result of the continuous development of a human, the search for something new in worldview and world perception. Usually it concerns the knowledge about outward things. This knowledge determines art to some certain ways and methods of portrayal. Every art experiences three periods which are not chronological because arise frequently simultaneously but psychological and always keep their severe sequence. Understanding painting vision was formed for many centuries. Every art epoch depicts its own art ideals. To penetrate art demands of today one has to go through the whole history of formation of an artistic thought. Renaissance epoch had its own requirements. Later on, the impressionists destroyed all common logic of drawing, the coordination of eyesight which enabled to move in a 3-D space. They led the seen to the first impressions of a newly born baby. They changed the whole world into the millions of radient dots which reflected the sun rays into our eyes. They did not depict objects but only the rays which were reflected by them. Realism – is an eternal root of art which takes its juice from the smeary black soil. Observation, document, naturalism – is the base of any art. But it is needed to be able to use collected documents. A document should not only be found and embraced but also forgotten. In other words it should become a part of an artist as much as not to come to his consciousness. And only then the document may be useful and appear at the moment of creation out of subconscious. New artistic trends appear as projections of subconscious. Priorities of humanism remain in Ukraine thus ideas of black emptiness did not come into the programmes of high schools in Ukraine and remained as artistic trends. Mykola Storozhenko writes: «Black Square» by Malevich is a projection, refined from «me», it is a synthesis of culture with a negative sign». Today it is complicated to speak about who is the real Ukrainian. It happens because a lot of nations and tribes, especially nomadic tribes, went through our soil. And all of them more or less left their footprint. But personally I, in this context, at once recall a character of the Great Kobzar because the genetic code of Ukrainian is the brightest and the most convenient. Historical education, which leads to the establishment of humanism and patriotism as personal achievements, is a complicated prosess, appearing in all sides of human activities. As for today, free perception of art and self-expression has led to uncontrolled processes from the side of the society. Art is often used in history as a manner of political and ecclesiastical influence on formation the public, etc., forming the complete layers of social conscious and programming the society for decades and even hundreds years ahead. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject академічний живопис en_US
dc.subject історія мистецтв en_US
dc.subject композиція en_US
dc.subject academic painting en_US
dc.subject art history en_US
dc.subject composition en_US
dc.title Історичний аспект живопису en_US
dc.title.alternative Historical aspect of painting en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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