Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Історико-культурні та стильові особливості громадських будівель Києва 1960–1980-х років

Show simple item record Повар, Максим Povar, Maksym 2023-02-07T12:42:55Z 2023-02-07T12:42:55Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Повар М. Історико-культурні та стильові особливості громадських будівель Києва 1960–1980-х років / Максим Повар // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2016. Вип. 25. С. 225-234. en_US
dc.description.abstract Наведено аналіз стильової характеристики масштабних громадських об’єктів Києва, побудованих в період 1960–1980 рр., та їхній вплив на подальший розвиток архітектури Києва. Значна увага приділяється зв’язку модернізму з авангардом 1920-х років. Зроблено спробу систематизації існуючих наукових праць та визначення перспективи подальших досліджень. The stylistic characteristics of large-scale public facilities that was built during the 1960s–1980s in Kyiv are analyzed in the article. This type of buildings is taken as an object of study because its visual significance influence on the development of the architectural environment. Interrelation is researched between avant-garde of the 1920s and modernist trends in architecture of the 1960s–1980s. The impact of these trends on the further development of domestic architecture is obvious. The question is relevant in its scale scientific weight. Are listed the most iconic objects of public buildings 1960s–1980s, which are unique in its architectural and artistic qualities, still do not have a certain status and often become the objects of barbarous reconstruction or complete destruction. The purpose of the article – to promote solving theoretical architectural problems in research methods of public buildings in Kyiv of the last stylistic period in Soviet architecture and to determine their place in the architecture of Ukraine. The article is contained a number of domestic and foreign researches of this issue, however, the clear presence of huge gaps in the history of Ukrainian architecture remains, which threatens to further distortion of perception. In the main part of the article, a number of iconic public buildings in Kyiv 1960s–1980s are analyzed to determine its stylistic features and designs. Transport buildings, cultural and spectator facilities, educational buildings, hotel buildings, commercial buildings and other types of buildings and structures are included in a number of the investigated objects. Individual author’s approach to take architectural and artistic decision was investigated in the article. Urban aspects, social and political conditions are also taken into account, an assessment of decision is presented. The article is finished with the conclusions that indicate the uniqueness of the researched objects, the presence of distinctive national features inherent only to Ukrainian architecture. Artistic and city-forming qualities of the investigated buildings are noted as a result of the author’s work. Thus the hypothesis is fully confirmed and objectives of this study are implemented. Promising directions of work were found, consider that Kyiv public buildings of the 1960s–1980s have a huge impact on the future of Kyiv architecture and Ukraine in general. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject громадські будівлі en_US
dc.subject модернізм en_US
dc.subject стильові особливості en_US
dc.subject індустріальне будівництво en_US
dc.subject новаторство en_US
dc.subject дизайн en_US
dc.subject ландшафтний дизайн en_US
dc.subject public buildings en_US
dc.subject modernism en_US
dc.subject stylistic features en_US
dc.subject industrial construction en_US
dc.subject innovation en_US
dc.subject design en_US
dc.subject landscape design en_US
dc.title Історико-культурні та стильові особливості громадських будівель Києва 1960–1980-х років en_US
dc.title.alternative Historical, cultural and stylistic features of Kyiv public buildings of the 1960s–1980s en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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