Репозитарій Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури

Особливості художньої мови Тетяни Голембієвської початку 2000-х років та сьогодення

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dc.contributor.author Маркарова, Кетевані
dc.contributor.author Markarova, Ketevani
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-09T10:33:19Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-09T10:33:19Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Маркарова К. Особливості художньої мови Тетяни Голембієвської початку 2000-х років та сьогодення / Кетевані Маркарова // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2016. Вип. 25. С. 246-253. en_US
dc.description.abstract Наукова стаття присвячена видатній українській художниці Т. Голембієвській. Розглянуто живописні особливості художньої мови, тематику творів на основі аналізу творчих робіт мисткині. Основою аналізу є роботи художниці, які не відомі широкому загалу. This article researches the life of outstanding Ukrainian artist and pedagogue with the long-term experience Tetyana Holembiyevska. This outstanding Ukrainian artist is a master of easel painting, who worked in genres of still life, landscapes and portraits. She has been painting for over six decades. Her talent has always attracted attention of the Ukrainian art critics. However,her works,particularly of the last decades, have not received well-grounded scientific research. The importance of the research is based on the fact that in the scientific literature comprehensive complex research, which studies the works of Tetyana Holembiyevska of the period from 2000 until nowadays, nearly doesn’t exist. The article, which is based on the analysis of the works of Tetyana Holembiyevska of that period, studies her paintings,painting techniques and the main topics of the works. At that time her mastery gains certain characteristics: palette becomes more immoderate, the brushstrokes are created with the help of palette knife and fingers, they are rounded and sank. Texture brushes,which are typical of her works of the earlier period, are still preserved. In some works we can notice mixed technique: oil paint with adding of the felt-tip pen contour. The topic of the paintings are permanent: the artists’ favorite flower pieces and landscapes. As well as in her earlier works, here she captures the mood. Philosophical reflection gain new vision, which show the maturity of the artistic thinking. Tetyana Holembiyevska is a master of paintings where the Ukrainian nature, medieval Italian architecture and antique landscapes are depicted. Spectacular Carpathian landscapes, the views of Sozopol,Paris, Athenes and her native Kiev and still life paintings always have the poetic solution of the composition, which is typical of her works. Her paintings are full of love to life and nature. In her paintings we can see rich emotional sphere, which rushes out of the canvases in the reckless rhythm of grandiose brush strokes. The article reveals that the particularity of her painting technique is in her individual artistic manner, where the color as the fundamental principle. The typical traits of the works of Tetyana Holembiyevska are wide texture brush strokes,pastosity, agility of the brush work, abundance of the colors, laconic the composition. Realistic and impressionistic painting manner, picturesqueness, philosophical form, contemplation,poetization of the reality, the joy of being, emotionality is typical of her. The artist belongs to the masters of color and ethnic originality. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject український живопис 2000-х років en_US
dc.subject пейзаж en_US
dc.subject натюрморт en_US
dc.subject Ukrainian art of the 2000s en_US
dc.subject landscape en_US
dc.subject still life en_US
dc.title Особливості художньої мови Тетяни Голембієвської початку 2000-х років та сьогодення en_US
dc.title.alternative Features of artistic language Tatiana Holembiyevskoyi in the 2000s and the present en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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