Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Урбаністичний аспект у творенні українського кінопростору

Show simple item record Комаров, Михайло Komarov, Mykhailo 2023-02-13T08:29:49Z 2023-02-13T08:29:49Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Комаров М. Урбаністичний аспект у творенні українського кінопростору / Михайло Комаров // Українська академія мистецтв : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2016. Вип. 25. С. 303-311. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті досліджується стан розвитку кіностудій світу, аналізується український досвід створення просторів кіновиробництва та залежність їхніх характеристик від містобудівних умов. The article studies the process of worldwide film studios development, scrutinizes the experience of Ukrainian film production spaces creating, and considers the dependence of their attributes on urban circumstances. In the period of film production establishment most studios could be situated in just one building. The remarkable example is Georges Melies studio in Montreuil constructed from metal and glass. It provided outstanding film director with all necessary conditions for silent b/w movie making. Later sound, followed by colored picture have been added to films, which created a huge list of unique profession along with number of brand-new spaces. Film studios began to expand, slowly turning into cities inside the cities. Film creating procedure required not just a set of specific capacities but also definite connections between them. First film studio in Ukraine appeared in 1907 in Odesa, followed by Yalta Studio (1917), Kyiv Film Factory (now known as Dovzhenko Film Studio, 1927), Kyiv Science Film Studio (1941). Few studios were built already in XXI century. and Victoria Film Studios are the most well-known among them. First one is situated in Kyiv, second in the village near Kyiv and have a twelve times bigger territory then The number of stages is approximately the same. This rule of free market – the cheaper territory is, the more you can afford – does not work for state film studios. As the result space at such studios used not in the most effective way. On the other hand the list of functions film studios should obtain developed a lot since the moment this governmental studios were lastly updated. Taking into account that almost 60% of studio territory is occupied by numerous office and suppoting buildings, it could be a good decision to combine them in one or few bigger structures in order to create a better architectural shape and to free some space for extra stages, parking lots or park zones, which may cause transforming from just a film factory into an urban space of full value. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject кіно en_US
dc.subject кіностудія en_US
dc.subject урбаністичні зв’язки en_US
dc.subject павільйон en_US
dc.subject film en_US
dc.subject film studio en_US
dc.subject urban communication en_US
dc.subject stage en_US
dc.title Урбаністичний аспект у творенні українського кінопростору en_US
dc.title.alternative Urban dimension in the creation of Ukrainian film production spaces en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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