Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Прибєга, Леонід Володимирович
dc.contributor.author Prybyeha, Leonid
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-15T08:32:31Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-15T08:32:31Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Прибєга Л. Факультет архітектури НАОМА. Від витоків до сьогодення / Леонід Прибєга // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2015. Вип. 24. С. 5-16. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті розглядається історія формування київської архітектурної школи в системі художнього навчального закладу, висвітлюються особливості підготовки архітектора-художника в різні періоди існування факультету, а також вміщена інформація про основний професорсько-викладацький склад та окремих випускників школи відповідної доби. The increased interest to the cultural heritage of the past, currently found in Ukrainian society, and the economic crisis in Ukraine are both the factors that strongly aggravate the problem of preservation of national cultural heritage in the country, including the architectural heritage. This trend results in the necessity to formulation of both a modern scientific basis for methodologies of heritage preservation and a theoretical framework for restoration of architectural heritage. Based on bibliographical studies and in-situ measurements, performed by the author, this paper includes an extensive discussion of Ukraine`s architectural heritage; the trends in the process of formation of historic cities, architectural ensembles and complexes of the nation; and stylistic, typological and structural and technical features of historical stone buildings and folk wooden architecture in the country. This way of discussion enables to finally come up with a specification of the social importance and memorial essence of historic architectural heritage, including the urban construction component. Through analytical consideration of both origins and the development history of methodology for protection and restoration of architectural heritage on Ukrainian terrain, as well as with international experience in mind, this paper highlights the essence and the goals of protection of architectural monuments, including the ones of urban architecture. Protection of such historic monuments includes a comprehensive set of activities like documentation of the monuments, legislative control of heritage protection activities, control within the area of historic monument protection, including maintenance of the monuments, protection of historically inherited cultural environment, restoration and functional adjustment of historic heritage monuments, promotion to the nation`s cultural heritage, etc. Also, this paper is considerably focused on theoretical fundamentals of methodologies for architectural heritage restoration, including the ones for historic monuments of urban construction. This is proved that the number one priority in the restoration process has been preservation of the authentic material hypostases of heritage monuments, while the priority number two has been disclosure of the characteristics of architectural form or its remnants being either hidden or lost. Restoration is regarded as a system of scientifically reasoned architectural and technical activities that stem from internal motivation and aimed at conservation of authentic material hypostases and discovering of the plastic characteristics in the architectural form of a monument. Thus, qualitative evaluation of the results of a restoration has to be predetermined by the level to which the authentic material structure and the architectural form of the restored monument proved to be preserved. This has been the theoretical background for the approach used in this paper for discussion of methodological basics of exploratory design and restoration works on both individual monuments of architecture and entities of historic urban architecture. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject факультет архітектури en_US
dc.subject архітектурна школа en_US
dc.subject архітектор en_US
dc.subject архітектор-художник en_US
dc.subject архітектурне проектування en_US
dc.subject School of Architecture en_US
dc.subject architectural style en_US
dc.subject architect en_US
dc.subject architectural artist en_US
dc.subject architectural design en_US
dc.title Факультет архітектури НАОМА. Від витоків до сьогодення en_US
dc.title.alternative School of Architecture, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. From Beginnings Till Nowadays en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу