Короткий опис(реферат):
устатті розглянуто особливості системи виховання в іко-нописній майстерні києво-печерської лаври. Значну увагу приділено так званим кужбушкам, які становлять методологічний матеріал в си-стемі лаврського навчання. Обґрунтовано ідею про те, що вивчення основ методики викладання минулого має бути долучено до процесу
навчання і виховання сучасних художників сакрального мистецтва.
This article considered the questions of education
system in icon workshop of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, also the author of
this article analyzed views of other researchers about history of existence
and education system of this icon workshop (N. Istomin P. Zsholtovskiy, O.
Ryzhova, N. Rostovtsev, D. Stepovyk, O. Tkachenko, P. Umantsev).
Significant attention was paid to the “kuzshbushkas” (from germ.
“Kunstbuch” – painter’s manual) which was a methodological material
of icon workshop. Content of this educational literature allows us to
understand the character of art education, its organization forms and make
a hypothetical reconstruction of education system in the icon workshop
of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Analysis of education materials of painters,
engravers and masters of decorative arts is the main content of this
research. Also this article describes the main components of education
process, which combined practice (learning of purely practical skills) and
theory (preservation of the Byzantine-Ruthenian tradition of fine arts and its development in the art of Baroque). Copying of images was reviewed as
a main and leading method of training. Author reconstructed the scheme
of education process: first phase – redrawing of samples, mastering the
basics of human figure, perspective, composition, learning of drawing
and painting, introduction to iconography, second phase – icon painting,
professional training, and independent reproduction of scenes.
Actuality of research consist in the fact, that learning education methods
of past should be uploaded in process of learning and nurturing modern
sacred artists. Substantiated the idea that the renewal of church culture is
impossible without knowledge of history and combination of practice skills
and abilities with the saving of the canonical heritage of the Kyiv Pechersk
Lavra (Byzantine-Ruthenian and Baroque icon painting tradition).