Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Методичні рекомендації з формального та колористичного вирішення ескізу

Show simple item record Соченко, Марина Sochenko, Marina 2023-02-20T07:27:58Z 2023-02-20T07:27:58Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Соченко М. Методичні рекомендації з формального та колористичного вирішення ескізу / Марина Соченко // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2015. Вип. 24. С. 59-73. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті розглянуто методику викладання курсу теоретичної і практичної композиції на першому курсі факультету живопису, напрацьовану автором в процесі багаторічної творчої та педагогічної діяльності в НАОМА. Текст проілюстровано зразками студентських робіт. The article describes a technique of the teaching of the theoretical and practical composition in the first year of the Painting Faculty, tried and tested by the author during many years of creative and educational activities in the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Ukrainian School of the Fine Arts has always carried a deep understanding of the features of the image and exuded by the sharpened emotional color decisions as a landscape and thematic paintings. In recent years, due to the development of the Ukrainian state, and thanks to the initiative of artists (the All-Ukrainian Biennale of historical painting "Ukraine from Tripoli to the present in the images of contemporary artists" was held for more than 10 years), an enhanced interest in historical painting and its development takes place in a society. At the same time among artists and spectators is still observed a lack of attention to the story of the picture which is one of the most interesting genres in the world of fine arts. Therefore, teachers of Ukrainian school of painting must preserve and pass on to their successors the greatest asset in this direction. There are rules and laws of composition, the study of which helps the young artist to become a real master. These are the laws of harmony, the organization of the plane, movement, rhythm, tempo and so on. Students learn it during the classes. This knowledge and its application in practice will help in the future to approach to the main objective which is the decision and execution of graduation painting. The composition is one of the most difficult and important subjects at the creative faculties. The combination of practical and theoretical laws of composition, application in practice and the means of expression is the basis of the rules of the analytical and sensory component of artistic creation, the development of creative thinking of young artists. Teaching composition has both practical and theoretical components, which are inseparably linked in the learning process. The concept of subordination and composition is the ratio of all elements of the picture. First of all, the idea of art, its main idea expressed by the form. This form must comply with the spiritual essence of design to express its fullest. Contemplating, observing life, composing, we aim to combine the elements of chance connections, creating a natural whole. The first year of education is a key step in the preparation of students for further training, improving their knowledge and skills for painting graduation painting. The structure of the multi-dimensional picture, its action, provided a high level of talent of the artist, passes from the sphere of material to the heights of the human spirit and understanding of the Divine. Different schools of painting and different color composition solved the problem, various masters perceive and understand them in their own way. In the matter of color individual abilities of artists and a sense of personal taste, education, historical conditions and national traditions, even the physical structure of the eye are strongly manifested. Despite this diversity, there are certain principles that are discussed in the article. The composition of colors is based on harmony, on a certain color scheme, the general tone of subordination. The overall color tone as the dominant influence on everything connects and gets into all the colors, thus forming a specific color array. Creating a picture is a complex process that requires full concentration, stress the spiritual and physical strength, which reflects not only the level of knowledge, skills, and live the spiritual essence of the artist, his soul. Therefore, a comprehensive education of the individual is very important for the development of thinking of young artists, it provides a combination of deep professional knowledge acquired from the study of the history of Ukraine, true patriotism, including the high morality, concern in the fate of its people. This is the key to the development of the talent that is to serve the people. The text is illustrated by examples of the students’ works. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject композиція en_US
dc.subject організація площини en_US
dc.subject рух en_US
dc.subject ритм en_US
dc.subject композиційний пошук en_US
dc.subject композиційний центр en_US
dc.subject формальний ескіз en_US
dc.subject пластика en_US
dc.subject динаміка en_US
dc.subject рівновага en_US
dc.subject composition en_US
dc.subject organization of the plane en_US
dc.subject movement en_US
dc.subject rhythm en_US
dc.subject compo sition search en_US
dc.subject compositional center en_US
dc.subject a formal sketch en_US
dc.subject plastic en_US
dc.subject dynamics en_US
dc.subject balance en_US
dc.title Методичні рекомендації з формального та колористичного вирішення ескізу en_US
dc.title.alternative Methodical recommendations from the formal and coloristic solutions of the sketch en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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