Короткий опис(реферат):
Досліджуючи методику навчання зображувати кінцівки людини – одне з важливих завдань з рисунка, – автор акцентує увагу на можливості досконального вивчення в укрупненому масштабі таких частин тіла людини, як ноги і руки. Наголошується, що оволодіти майстерністю рисунка кінцівок рук і стоп можна тільки за умови постійної роботи з натурою, а також уважного і глибокого їх вивчення.
The research is intended to study the drawing technique of
human limbs as one of the important tasks of art teaching; the author has
given careful consideration to the possibility of thorough study of human
legs and arms in large scale.
Since the academic program for the second year of study requires that
the students have to learn the inner and the external plastic of human hand
and foot, as well as a natural plastic posture at artificial light, it is of the
essence to pick a model with expressive limb skeleton.
The task requires deliberate arrangement decision for a paper sheet format – both for the model limbs and for the limbs’ skeletons. The hands’
and feet’s sketches of daily observations including their movements and
structure are to be educational material for every student.
The special attention of the students is to be focused at the forearm
bones at the position of supine and prone luxation. It also is very important
to copy famous artworks of great masters, the practice will do much good.
Besides, the students must use anatomical charts, drawings and moulages.
While analyzing the skeleton of lower limbs one should keep in mind that
pelvis is jointed with legs each of that consisting of thighbone, shin bone
and splinter bone of anticnemion, and a foot consisting of bony tarsus
and a forefoot. The foot is built as an arch cover and supports the whole
body. Coupling of a shoulder, an elbow, a carpus, a knee and a foot are to
be the subject of much attention of any artist. The student that failed to
learn the aforesaid won’t be able to build a man shape and to depicture his
movements correctly.
Speaking about the lower leg’s musculi it is necessary to mention that
knee-joint is subject to detailed study. The musculi are divided into three
groups: front, external and back ones. Every day sketches of arms and legs,
careful and detailed study, accomplishments of learning activities will be
essential for future artist’s work. Arms of men and women, elder people and children are different, the same as their faces. Hence, observation and
sketchers are to become students’ daily exercises for it is the only way to
acquire skills of limbs drawing.