Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті викладено результати дослідження
античної давньогрецької керамічної посудини другої половини
VI ст. до н.е., що нині належить зібранню Археологічного музею
ІА НАНУ. Завдяки порівняльному аналізові було уточнено
атрибуцію, що дозволило віднести орнамент піксиди до групи
клазоменської кераміки.
Значну увагу приділено здійсненню реставраційно-
консерваційних заходів та обґрунтуванню їх.
In this article motion and results of research of a pyxis
are expounded, the ancient Greek ceramic vessel of the second half of
the VI century B.C., belongs that presently to collection of the National
Museum of the Natural History at the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine. Historical information about pyxis limited. It is found in the
ancient settlement Borisfenida (the island of Berezan Ochakov district of
Nikolaev region). The excavations of Berezan expedition conducted under
the direction of archaeologist V.Lapin in 1970. Immediately after finding
pyxis was attributed as a rare form of funeral urn, which refers to the style
of ceramics Fikellura as described in the publications V.M. Korpusov and
scientific map of the exhibit. Due to a comparative analysis attribution
was speсіfіed, that allowed to attribute a decorative pattern to the group
of Klazomenian ceramics. Also were found and presented analogues of
Klazomenian ceramics. The realization of restoration and conservation events in relation to a
pyxis and their ground is considerable place in the article. On the basis
of the preservation of the memorial it has been drawn up restoration
and conservation program such as: removal of dust pollution; removal of
plaster completions; removal of heavy lime dirt; checking out for presence
of chloride ions and removial them if available; strengthening of surface;
selection and gluing up of fragments; fixing up of internal walls of crock;
recovery seams and chips; restoration of lost fragments; toning рainting
reproducible fragments.
As a result of actions for restoration and conservation of studied pyxis
there were eliminated traces of unsuccessful restoration, restored the
integrity of the exhibit, reinforced walls pyxis.
After restoration the pyxis has acquired exposition condition and the
opportunity to study it thoroughly. Pyxis uniqueness is that it constitutes
90% of preservation, and it is quite uncommon to such archaeological
specimen concerned.