Короткий опис(реферат):
Авторами статті пропонується унікальна методологія з побудо-ви перспективного мислення та бачення школяра, заснована на важливо-му аспекті сучасної художньої школи — екологізації освітнього простору.
Водночас, критиці піддаються методи прямої перспективи як рудимента
радянської державної ідеології в галузі художньої педагогіки.
Finding and creating of the main method to construct a conditional
space plane picture at all times for artistic pedagogy was form-building principle
in determining the content of education methods of art education
Now one can often observe how across vertical school age periods, starting
with primary school and finishing youthful age, is traced methodological thinking
about the supremacy of the method of direct prospects.
Problem violated by authors and the controversy around it should be an area of
special attention not only school teachers but also of higher art school because
the the genesis becoming of perspective thinking and vision a schoolchild and an
adult personality in many ways very similar.
The first criticism of the principles of direct prospective of and its negative
«Adverse» effects application in the practice of the artist was made Chistyakov –
he contrasts the «natural perspective» «visual» and notes the need to correct it.
Should be noted that the on the necessity to «correct» direct perspective of in
the practice of the artist himself said Leonardo da Vinci – one of its main scientific
Thorough criticism of the use of the direct perspective in creativity artists
and of artistic pedagogy was made in the early twentieth century, from the mouth
of the famous art researcher, teacher A. V. Bakushynskoho. He outlined the
problem as a «crisis of spatial expression in contemporary art» in his theoretical
work «linear perspective in art and visual perception of real space.
Unfortunately, the problem is specified in the article, was overlooked artists and
educators Ukraine. The theme, which reveals the important educational principle
of artistic pedagogy – targeting of and affordability, is almost completely absent
in the Ukrainian educational literature.
In the early 80’s monograph published a famous artist and teacher Boris
Nemenskoho «Wisdom of Beauty», which is essentially a manifesto-appeal for a
school teacher to work in new ways. In his monograph he criticizes drawing from
nature as a leading artistic activities in work with schoolchildren (and with it the
principle of direct perspective as an integral part of drawing from nature), saying
that «mastery of craft side of art party prevents the perception of its spiritual side
However, due to justified criticism by direct prospects in the educational
environment, a paradoxical situation – criticizing nothing to offer in return. Today
you can find several specific alternative methods of constructing conditional
space, but the overall methodology, based on principles of targeting and
availability missing. Methodological model proposed by the authors is construction of conditional
space is that they are considering laws direct prospects as a separate method
and principles that can be perceived by schoolchildren as well as being effective
in building perspective image only in a certain age range. The task of the teacher
is to form a complete picture of the formation of three-dimensional thinking and
vision of the schoolchildren, starting from children and youth under the age ending, which is based on the partial methods, which are sensitive schoolboy in
a particular age period. Based on the system of school age periodization in general movement from
ignorance to knowledge authors see three objects of study. This age periods:
childhood from 6 to 10 years; teens 10 to 14 years; Youth age – from 14 to 18
In his dissertation doctor of art I. P. Glinskaya «Formation of ways of mastering
spatial information in the plane in primary school children» provides a definition
of the main methods of classification. This method – «... streamlining based on
knowledge of real forms of objects, leading to parallel
projection and ordering based on features mesh eye image, which led to the
creation of perspectives» That is, there are three possible forms of graphic
expression conditional space – based methods orthogonal and axonometric
projections and based on the method of direct prospects.
The beginning of the formation of three-dimensional thinking and vision
schoolchildren in the picture plane, accordance with school age periodization
is during childhood (6–10 years). In their study, the authors relate this age in
graphic activity the schoolchildren, with the «vision plane». Drawing younger
schoolchildren is a composition-an action that develops parallel to the picture
plane as if without penetrating its deeper layers. Graphic language of young
schoolchild expression, in principle, can be correlated with the orthogonal
projection methods - is the lack of horizon, image objects of various sizes
and images based on combinatorics different angles using the principles of
pantheism and symbolism, and many other unique ways Image inherent in this
Summarizing the above said, we can conclude that the younger schoolchildren
in graphic terms of volumetric objects using the sensitive (sensitive) by orthogonal
projection, and the construction of conventional space – by positional prospects.
Adolescence authors relate the with «relief» vision and thinking teenager
in building of conditional space, which is based on geometric principles
axonometry. Axonometric projection compared with orthogonal is informative
way of expressing, because it is able to operate with underlying factors of
conditional space.
The period of «adolescence,» the authors consider on the «relief» vision
schoolchildren. The ability of adolescents of «relief» vision drew the attention of
educators in St. Petersburg Academy of Arts XVIII century. A. Losenko the times.
They offered to draw ornaments, plaster reliefs, capitals and various plaster
still life, before proceeding to the drawing of the human head. Understanding
the «relief» vision as intermediate link, as a part of the overall concept for the
formation of prospective vision is able to warn many teachers from inefficient
methods in building conditional space at this age stage. The next stage - «promising», which the authors attributed to youth from
15 to 18 years. The period of youth, according to its methodological idea, the
authors associated with the principles of direct prospects to construct objectivity
and conditional space, because it has all the necessary prerequisites. The
analytical form of thinking completely replaces children the synthetic and youth drawn to methods of drawing from nature. Drawing from nature, replaced the
virtual image, draftsman forced to form a reflection by intense attention and
consideration of multiple exercises of mastery of perspective images of models,
designs, deep penetration into the spatial structure of the picture plane.
The authors formulated the main conclusion of the research – setting itself
the task of forming a prospective schoolchild thinking and vision, the move from
childhood to adolescence and youth, the teacher has to use separate techniques
to construct a conditional space and objectivity to which schoolchild the most