Репозитарій Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури

Принципи планувальної організації багатофункціональних мостових споруд

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Макухін, Микита
dc.contributor.author Makukhin, Mykyta
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-31T09:16:29Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-31T09:16:29Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Макухін М. Принципи планувальної організації багатофункціональних мостових споруд // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. Київ, 2014. Вип. 23. С. 175-185. en_US
dc.description.abstract Розглянуто принципи планувальної організації багатофункціональних мостових споруд з урахуванням їхніх основних функцій — транспортно-пішохідної та додаткової — розміщення установ і підприємств обслуговування. Висвітлені питання забезпечення організації транспортно-пішохідного руху, формування й розміщення функціональних блоків обслуговування, особливості розміщення житла. The article describes the principles of planning of multifunctional bridges with consideration of their basic functions – transport and pedestrian zones and «additional functions» – agencies and business services. The existing practice of building and designing of multifunctional bridges shows the importance of this issue in solving contemporary urban problems. At the same time the lack of theoretical re-searches determines the necessity of highlighting certain features of their planning organization. Traffic and pedestrian flows determine the minimal size of multifunctional bridges, considering environmental conditions. Additional functions of multifunc-tional bridges determine their ultimate proportions and constructive solution. The existing experience in organization of transport and pedestrian traffic on the bridges make it possible to determine the basic principle of such infrastructure in multifunctional bridges – the separation of different modes of transport – road transport (transit zone and not transit zone), railway transport and pedestrians. Transit zone of road transport infrastructure provides the movement of private and public transport without stops, while separated not transit zone provides the pos-sibility of making car parking and public transport stops. These two zones are usually situated on different levels of the multifunctional bridge. The stops of the public transport should be placed on the entrances to the multifunctional bridges and in their not transit zone if it is necessary. Such places become functional and communication centers of the building and provide pedestrian connec-tions with all parts of the structure. Car parking for private transport should also be placed according to the functional and communication centers of the multifunctional bridges. The basic principles of organization of zones where service companies and agencies are situated are based on the possibility of grouping them into functional blocks. All companies and agencies in the multifunctional bridges may be divided in-to three blocks – shopping and entertainment block; dwelling, education and health; management and business. Each of the blocks has specific requirements to the organ-ization of communication and recreation zones, environmental requirements and fire safety. The structure of service companies and agencies also depends on the value of the multifunctional bridge in the city structure – local, regional or citywide. According to the current practice of constructing and designing of multifunctional bridges tree types of their spatial design were detected – linear type, spot type and combined type. Multifunctional bridges of linear type contain all their companies and agencies in one linear volume all over the structure. Spot structures have all their additional function in separated blocks placed along the bridge, while multifunctional bridges of combined type have both linear volume along the structure and several separated blocks. World experience shows that creation of housing in multifunctional buildings is common practice. There are also examples of housing in multifunctional bridges. In contemporary architectural practice there are some examples of using bridge prin-ciple in private houses in order to reach maximum level of preservation of natural en-vironment. There are a lot of conceptual projects of dwelling zones in multifunctional bridges that reveals the relevance of this idea. The dwelling zone of the multifunctional bridge can be divided into two groups – temporary accommodation (hotels) and constant accommodation (private apart-ments). Both zones have their own requirements in planning and functional organiza-tion. The organization of dwelling zone requires local daily services for the dwell-ers. Multifunctional bridges with dwelling blocks should concentrate housing and service companies in one volume. Other important aspect of their planning is provid-ing necessary transport and pedestrian connections and parking zones. Article notes that placing schools and preschool institutions in the dwelling blocks of multifunctional bridges is possible but some questions connected with such solution demand special researches. As a conclusion author claims that the main features of planning and functional organization of multifunctional bridges are defined by two main infrastructures – transport and pedestrian infrastructure and service companies and agencies. The basic principle of the organization of transport and pedestrian infrastructure is separation of different modes of traffic by placing them in different levels. The main feature of or-ganization of service infrastructure is grouping service companies and agencies into blocks depending on their function and level of attendance. The parking and stops can be situated according to the block with the highest level of attendance and form functional and communication centers of the multifunctional bridge. The blocks with housing have special planning and functional requirements that determine their struc-ture. Some questions connected with organization of dwelling blocks demand special researches. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject багатофункціональні мостові споруди en_US
dc.subject транспортно-пішохідна функція en_US
dc.subject установи і підприємства обслуговування en_US
dc.subject multifunctional bridges en_US
dc.subject transport and pedestrian infrastructure en_US
dc.subject dwelling blocks en_US
dc.subject agencies and business services en_US
dc.subject functional organization en_US
dc.title Принципи планувальної організації багатофункціональних мостових споруд en_US
dc.title.alternative The principles of planning organization of multifunctional bridges en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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