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dc.contributor.author Семененко, Анжеліка Андріївна
dc.contributor.author Semenenko, Anzhelika
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-03T06:28:25Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-03T06:28:25Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Семененко А. Стилістичний дискурс сучасного урбанізму // Збірник наукових праць "Українська академія мистецтва". Київ : Гельветика, 2022. Вип. 31. С. 26-34. en_US
dc.description.abstract Нова парадигма сучасного урбанізму – постіндустріальний урбанізм, покликаний до життя цілим спектром соціокультурних проблем, визначених невідповідністю формотворення та організації простору індустріальних міст запитами соціуму з новими стандартами життя. У статті досліджується стилістичне втілення новітніх урбаністичних стратегій як матеріалізація низки теоретичних ідей гуманітарних знань і практичних вимог сучасних мегаполісів. The article examines the stylistic embodiment of the latest urban strategies as the materialization of a number of theoretical ideas of humanitarian knowledge and practical requirements of modern cities. The concept and the meaning of urbanism as a paradigm of holistic systemic thinking and design, defined by the needs of the modern city – a complex multicultural organism capable of being competitive in the “economy of impressions” and “economy of services” only if its ecosystem is preserved – is revealed. After all, it is cultural diversity, based on the unity and equality of various socio-cultural groups that is the keystone to success in the global world. The postmodern era and its inherent worldview characteristics change architecture as a socially conditioned phenomenon significantly. The whole variety of architectural and projective phenomena that can be described as “postmodern” is united by an idea, the essence of which is the rejection of rigid theoretical programs – “program pluralism” (Jenks) or “architecture of tolerance”. Thus, both historicism with its citations of the past, allusions and pomposity, and vernacular, with its autochthony, pragmatism and spontaneity and are peculiar to modern architectural language. Another factor of influence is the trend towards democratization of society increased by the open technical possibilities of the post-industrial era. These are technologies that implement algorithms of unity for large groups of people who are now able to express their position publicly through words, actions, initiatives, etc. Technologies open access to professional fields for non-professionals, which results into a boom of amateurism, in architecture as well (“anonymous architecture”). The article reveals the theoretical basis of the “right to the city” concept (Lefebvre) and how city resident implement it. This is one of the important features of the new urbanism, which implies the balance between the authoritarianism of professional and commercial structures and selforganizing initiatives of urban communities. The leading trends of modern urbanism are humanization and environmentalization, that are implemented as contextuality (“spirit of the place”), “green” construction, biomorphism and the concept of friendly, inclusive, open urban space. In the stylistic discourse outlined in the article, the city is represented as a complex organism, and urbanism as the art of balance between the exact sciences and humanities. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject креативне місто en_US
dc.subject архітектура толерантності en_US
dc.subject розумне місто en_US
dc.subject джентрифікація en_US
dc.subject вернакуляр en_US
dc.subject партисипація en_US
dc.subject архітектура ад-хок en_US
dc.subject містобудівний патерн en_US
dc.subject тактичний урбанізм en_US
dc.subject зелене будівництво en_US
dc.subject creative city en_US
dc.subject architecture of tolerance en_US
dc.subject smart city en_US
dc.subject gentrification en_US
dc.subject vernacular en_US
dc.subject participation en_US
dc.subject adhoc architecture en_US
dc.subject urban pattern en_US
dc.subject tactical urbanism en_US
dc.subject green construction en_US
dc.title Стилістичний дискурс сучасного урбанізму en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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