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dc.contributor.author Салтан, Людмила
dc.contributor.author Лагутенко, Ольга Андріївна
dc.contributor.author Saltan, Liudmyla
dc.contributor.author Lagutenko, Olga
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-04T07:02:37Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-04T07:02:37Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Салтан Л., Лагутенко О. Пленерний живопис у творчості Андрія Яланського // Збірник наукових праць "Українська академія мистецтва". Київ : Гельветика, 2022. С. 69-75. en_US
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена дослідженню творчості народного художника України, професора Андрія Яланського, з’ясуванню місця пленерного живопису у пошуку митцем виражальних засобів художніх творів.Аналізуються методи та засоби, завдяки яким художник передає повітряний простір у краєвиді, вирішує проблеми композиції, колірних і тональних співвідношень. Актуальність теми зумовлена відсутністю ґрунтовних досліджень творчого доробку А. Яланського, чільне місце в якому належить саме пленерному живопису. The article is dedicated to researching the work of the People’s Artist of Ukraine, Professor Andrii Yalanskyi, and to clarifying the place of plein-air painting in the artist’s search for expressive means of artistic works. Considering the fact that the artist works a lot outdoors, his creative approaches are focused on the in-depth study of the surroundings and the effort to convey the immediacy of the impression. That is why the research pays special attention to what tasks the artist sets himself while working on plein air. In addition, the step-by-step process of creating sketches is revealed: choosing a place for plein air, identifying characteristic features of the landscape, searching for a general colour. The article analyzes means and methods by which the artist conveys the airspace in the landscape, solves the problem of composition, colour and tonal relations. The plein air work later becomes a basis for the creation of finished works of art. In them, the artist pays more attention to details, places accents that strengthen the general mood of the depicted. The research analyzes Andrii Yalanskyi’s artistic works, which allow us to see the inherent lightness and atmosphere of the works created en plein air. Andrii Yalanskii’s characteristic colour solutions for the season and time of day, in combination with the perfection of the drawing, testify to the artist’s observation and attention to permanent changes in nature. In addition, the study takes a philosophical approach to the understanding of painting in general, that at the same time helps to better understand the special appeal of the artist’s works, which are created directly in the midst of nature. This is how the exclusive role in the artist’s transmission of the air environment is determined, which makes his works easy to perceive, and the objects and details introduced into this environment fill the works with meaning. Turning to the motifs of Ukrainian nature, the artist interprets them as a high everyday life in which a person is constantly present and with his creativity brings him even closer to the environment. The topic is pressing mainly due to the lack of a thorough research of the creative work of Andrew Yalansky, a prominent place in which is taken by the plein air painting. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject живопис en_US
dc.subject пленер en_US
dc.subject етюд en_US
dc.subject композиція en_US
dc.subject світлоповітряне середовище en_US
dc.subject painting en_US
dc.subject plein air en_US
dc.subject sketch en_US
dc.subject composition en_US
dc.subject light and air environment en_US
dc.title Пленерний живопис у творчості Андрія Яланського en_US
dc.title.alternative Plein air painting in the works of Аndriy Yalansky en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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