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dc.contributor.author Лісова, Наталія
dc.contributor.author Lisova, Nataliia
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-04T07:28:14Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-04T07:28:14Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Лісова Н. «Філософія серця» українського мистецтва довкілля // Збірник наукових праць "Українська академія мистецтва". Київ : Гельветика, 2022. Вип. 31. С. 76-82. en_US
dc.description.abstract Дослідження присвячене аналізові контексту вітчизняного лендарту в системі укра-їнського сучасного мистецтва. Вперше, шляхом розгляду ключових філософських течій в Україні, визначено кордоцентричну та антеїстичну складові як основоположні риси творчого пошуку українських художників лендарту. The article deals with the analysis of the context of the Ukrainian land art. For the first time, by considering philosophical currents in Ukraine, cordocentric and anteistic components as fundamental features of the creative activity of Ukrainian land art artists have been identified. After all, the identity of the Ukrainian people grew on the basis of historical memory, customs, mythology and ethnographic features. The foundation of the spiritual component of national culture was the belief of our ancestors in the forces of nature. This testifies to the need of proto-Ukrainians in world knowledge by contemplating the environment. However, the dominant place in the self-knowledge of the Slavs belonged to the «heart» as the center of the spiritual world of humans. Over time, this was developed in the «philosophy of the heart» by K. Stavrovetsky, G. Skovoroda, P. Yurkevich. These facts reflect the continuous connection of humans with the environment. This became the basis of the Ukrainian philosophical concept of anteism - love for the nature of the native land. That is why the creative interaction of artists with the landscape was formed in a special sensory form, different from foreign experience. An echo of the rituals of the ancestors is the appeal of artists to the land. Today, artists build a dialogue with the historical past and culture through interaction with the natural environment. This demonstrates the connection between historical and landscape structures, and outlines the vernacular component of the Ukrainian land art, which distinguishes its regional identity. The Ukrainian land art analyzes the national landscape as a means of self-identification and reflects the mythical connections between cultural identity and natural processes in the mythology of Trypillia, Scythian and Hutsul cultures. The study identifies the factors influencing the historical and mental contexts of Ukrainian environmental art, where a special place is occupied by the emotional and sensory sphere. It testifies to the fact that this distinguishes the Ukrainian land art in the system of world art as a unique phenomenon of creative worldview. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject лендарт en_US
dc.subject «філософія серця» en_US
dc.subject кордоцентризм en_US
dc.subject антеїзм en_US
dc.subject екофільність en_US
dc.subject вернакулярність en_US
dc.subject українське сучасне мистецтво en_US
dc.subject мистецтво довкілля en_US
dc.subject середовище en_US
dc.subject land art en_US
dc.subject philosophy of the heart en_US
dc.subject cordocentrism en_US
dc.subject anteism en_US
dc.subject ecophilicity en_US
dc.subject vernacularity en_US
dc.subject Ukrainian contemporary art en_US
dc.subject environmental art en_US
dc.title «Філософія серця» українського мистецтва довкілля en_US
dc.title.alternative The «Philosophy of the heart» of ukrainian environmental art en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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