Репозиторий Национальной академии изобразительного искусства и архитектуры

Творчість А. В. Добровольського в контексті розвитку архітектури України 1930–1980-х років

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dc.contributor.author Ковешнікова, Олександра Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Koveshnikova, O. V.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-22T08:33:49Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-22T08:33:49Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Ковешнікова О.В. Творчість А. В. Добровольського в контексті розвитку архітектури України 1930–1980-х років : автореф. дис. ... канд. архітектури : 18.00.01 / Ковешнікова Олександра Володимирівна ; НАОМА. - Київ, 2020. - 21 с. en_US
dc.description.abstract В результаті проведеного дослідження вперше комплексно розглянуто творчість А. В. Добровольського в контексті розвитку архітектури України 1930–1980-х рр. Визначено етапи його професійного становлення, основні напрямки діяльності, особливості проектних рішень. Простежено основні тенденції в розвитку архітектури України 1930–1980 рр., у руслі яких проаналізовано авторські надбання майстра в архітектурній практиці цього періоду. Розкрито багатогранність творчої особистості архітектора, що виявилася в його проектній, педагогічній, образотворчій, організаційній діяльності. Складено список робіт архітектора, проведено атрибуцію креслень з архівних зібрань. Доведено виняткове значення внеску А. В. Добровольського в розвиток архітектури України та запропоновано перспективи подальших досліджень його спадщини. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship This thesis is of scientific interest because it is the first comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical heritage of A. V. Dobrovolskyi within the development of the Ukrainian architecture in the 1930–1980s. The peculiarities of professional development, the main directions and features of his activities were determined; the peculiarities of design solutions were identified for each of the periods. The author made a list of works by the architect and carried out the attribution of drawings from archival collections. Considering the above, the exceptional significance of A. V. Dobrovolskyi's contribution to the development of the Ukrainian architecture is proved and the prospect of further research of the architect's heritage. In the first section, on the basis of available literature, the author analyzes the state of scientific research of the thesis topic, systematizes available literary sources and groups them into four blocks, according to the proposed periodization of A. V. Dobrovolskyi's works. The archival research base. The general method of research is determined. Three main periods of A. V. Dobrovolskyi’s work are outlined. It is established that the scientific and analytical heritage of A. V. Dobrovolskyi contains approximately 30 articles and reports based on which the architect's priorities are identified. These are the use of iconic forms of Ukrainian folk art, the study and inclusion of historical experience of Ukrainian and Western European architects into the design, the invention of building technologies and materials, an innovative approach to urban development problems, innovations in housing and public design, the synthesis of arts in architecture, strategy of the Khreshchatyk Street reconstruction, the introduction of new engineering equipment methods for interiors and exteriors of public and residential buildings, theory and history of architecture. The whole complex of the architect's design heritage has been thoroughly analyzed and the main features of his individual creative manner in figurative and architectural and planning decisions of the constructions have been identified. The second section determines the main trends and concepts in the work of the architects of the Kyiv school and the relationship between them and the creative ideas of A. V. Dobrovolskyi. In the third section analyses the peculiarities of the Ukrainian architecture in the postwar period. The factors that have changed the direction of the architect's work at this time are as follows: Stalinist architecture. The development of residential and public architecture of the Ukrainian SSR in 1945–1955 is analyzed in detail, in particular, stylistic experiments, typification and industrialization of construction, participation in the competitive design of Khreshchatyk and the development of the postwar Kyiv, in which A. V. Dobrovolskyi played a special role. It is established that the characteristic feature of architect postwar period is the inclusion of national features into the architectural practice, the use of a wide typological spectrum, a variety of architectural and artistic solutions. The fourth section retraces the main trends in the development of the Ukrainian architecture in 1960–1980. Reveals insights into the versatility of the architect's creative personality that manifested in his pedagogical, artistic, scientific, and managerial activities. The analysis of the pedagogical practices of the architect showed that A. V. Dobrovolskyi managed to unite the creative potential of experienced and young architects in his studio that confirms the significant contribution of the master to the work of the Department of Architecture of the Kyiv State Arts Institute (nowadays this is the National Academy of Arts and Architecture). On the basis of the above, it is argued that A. V. Dobrovolskyi has founded a prominent direction in the architectural school of Ukraine, which significance was growing not only during his creative life but also is growing now. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject архітектор А. В. Добровольський en_US
dc.subject автореферат дисертації en_US
dc.subject архітектура України en_US
dc.subject архітектурна практика en_US
dc.subject реставрація en_US
dc.subject архітектурна освіта en_US
dc.subject радянська епоха en_US
dc.subject architect Anatolii Dobrovolskyi en_US
dc.subject architecture of Ukraine en_US
dc.subject architectural practice en_US
dc.subject restoration en_US
dc.subject architectural education en_US
dc.subject Soviet era en_US
dc.title Творчість А. В. Добровольського в контексті розвитку архітектури України 1930–1980-х років en_US
dc.title.alternative Creativity of A. V. Dobrovolsky in the context of the development of the architecture of Ukraine 1930–1980s. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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