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dc.contributor.author Гамалія, Катерина Миколаївна
dc.contributor.author Лісова, Наталія
dc.contributor.author Gamaliia Kateryna
dc.contributor.author Lisova Nataliia
dc.date.accessioned 2022-02-02T13:18:58Z
dc.date.available 2022-02-02T13:18:58Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Гамалія К. Проблематика термінології в межах поняття «український лендарт» / Катерина Гамалія, Наталія Лісова // Збірник наукових праць "Українська академія мистецтва". - Київ, 2021. - Вип. 30. - С. 38-44. en_US
dc.description.abstract В статті розглянуто особливості становлення лендарту за кордоном та в системі україн­ського сучасного мистецтва. Здійснено аналіз та уточнення термінології, пов’язаної з лендартом на теренах України, запропонований авторський термін для означення самобутності українського лендарту. Fundamental art studies in the field of land art are not yet available in Ukraine, and individual articles in periodicals do not reveal the principles of the formation of the actual Ukrainian art of the environment, its features and differences from abroad land art. To date, the phenomenon of Ukrainian land art has not received its own term and for thirty years in a row uses the borrowed foreign name «land art», while the uniqueness of domestic environmental art is an indisputable fact. The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of land art abroad and in the system of Ukrainian contemporary art. The analysis and clarification of terminology related to land art in Ukraine has been carried out. The author's term for the phenomenon of the Ukrainian land art is offered. The study found that the application of the foreign term «land art» to the domestic art of interaction with the environment is not exhaustive, because it does not reveal the full range of creative communication of artists with the environment and is too narrow in relation to it. At that time, the term «mystectvo dovkillja» («art of the environment»), introduced by P. Bevza, is too wide a range of artistic creativity, where «environment» is used in the sense of «environment» as one that contains the entire surrounding space. Therefore, it isn't inexpedient to apply the foreign term «land art» to the creative practices of Ukrainian artists. At the same time, «art of the environment» is too abstract a concept for the term «land art», which aims at a specific creative interaction with the earth. Environmental art aims to decorate and equip a person's place of residence, which expresses his utilitarianism and may include: both landscape art and landscape design and monumental art, ite­specific art, ecological art, as preservation and repair of the Earth's resources, etc. Domestic artists work with natural materials in the natural environment in order to create a new art product. Accordingly, instead of the term «Ukrainian land art» it is appropriate to use the term «pryrodotvorche mystectvo» («natural creative art»), because the context of the Ukrainian art form is characterized by creative interaction with the natural environment and materials as a way to create a new art product. Theoretical research of the work is the basis for further in­depth scientific development of the problem, namely, the phenomenon of land art in the system of contemporary art of Ukraine. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject лендарт en_US
dc.subject українське сучасне мистецтво en_US
dc.subject мистецтво довкілля en_US
dc.subject термінологія en_US
dc.subject природотворче мистецтво en_US
dc.subject land art en_US
dc.subject Ukrainian contemporary art en_US
dc.subject environmental art en_US
dc.subject terminology en_US
dc.subject pryrodotvorche mystectvo en_US
dc.title Проблематика термінології в межах поняття «український лендарт» en_US
dc.title.alternative Problems of terminology within the concept of «Ukrainian land art» en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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