Короткий опис(реферат):
Стаття присвячена проблемам підвищення ефективності викладання іноземної мови в немовних ЗВО на прикладі факультету теорії та історії мистецтва Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури. Авторка розглядає особливості сучасних методик викладання іноземної мови, пропонуючи та аналізуючи нові, специфічні види роботи, котрі сприяють підвищенню результативності й ефективності, забезпечуючи вдосконалення навичок, необхідних для оволодіння у повному обсязі професійною лексикою студентами-мистецтвознавцями НАОМА.
Involving exhibits of the world-famous museums in studying professional vocabulary at the lessons of foreign language for art critics. This article researches the process of modernizing traditional teaching methods
and teaching methodology in the current situation of changes in education system of Ukraine and new laws and reforms, issued recently. Due to the fact, that Ukraine have been integrating into European society, alterations
involve evaluation and main principles of teaching in the universities of Ukraine. One of them is targeting at studying vocational vocabulary rather than general English. This generates the need for researching and finding the new ways for teaching the students of a certain faculty and certain specialization. In order to make lessons of foreign language contemporary and increase their effectiveness and studying results, the general ways of teaching should be adapted for the students of different professions. The particularities of the profession must be taken into consideration and the chain of new exercises must be developed. This will lead to the increase of motivation and will make studying process more various and topical. The article contributes in the developing of teaching methods for the students of art critic faculty. It is based on the practical work and practical study. The ideas, given in the article, have been put into practice, developed and improved during the practical lessons.
One of the fundamental differences between professional direction and teaching general English is involving real professional situations in studying process. The novelty of the article is in the fact that as the profession of art criticism is quite rare, so far very little information could have been be found and very little research has been made. Practical exercises, considered in the article, involve the work with exhibits of the most prominent world museums and galleries. These ideas are based on the fact that a museum should be an expected place of work for the future art critic. Painting analysis is the most important skill, which should be acquired while studying. Direct work with the texts, attached to museum exhibits has been suggested, analysis of the rare exhibits from
private collections has been offered in the article. Exercises, involving various types of memorizing material and developing such language skills as speaking, listening, information proceeding have been researched.