Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті розглядаються питання цілісності просторової організації міських центрів у процесі їхнього розвитку завдяки спадкоємному використанню особливостей зовнішніх і внутрішніх композиційних побудов і зв’язків. Центральна частина історичного міста, за всього розмаїття її мікроструктур, володіє і єдністю внутрішніх композиційно-просторових вирішень відкритої у просторі і часі системи міського центру.
Ілюстрації в статті відтворені з дисертації автора.
The article considers the issues of the integrity of the spatial organization of urban centers in the process of their development due to the hereditary use of the features of external and internal compositional
constructions and connections. The central part of the historic city, with all the variety of its microstructures, has the unity of internal compositional-spatial solutions of the open in space and time system of the city center. Particular attention is paid to the composition of urban centers, the desire for clarity of their definition, to emphasize the internal integrity, to highlight the structure of the city. At the same time, the center should be the focus of the characteristics of the city as a whole, to determine its image, uniqueness, individuality. Determining the basic principles of hereditary development of compositional and spatial features of urban centers expands the boundaries of research on the interdependence of semantic and semiotic characteristics of their structure
in the process of development and in modern conditions. The city center is a concentrated imagination of the unusualness that is so necessary for the inhabitants of cities that are too uniform in the processes of modern
technical and technological progress. These processes are inseparable from the threat of erasure of individual features in the field of urban planning, which today in comparison with the historical architectural and urban
heritage is characterized by much less socio-humanistic specificity in only one city, but also the country and even a number of countries. This fact underlies the emotional-aesthetic phenomenon, which is the attraction of the inhabitants of anonymous cities to the uniqueness of the environment, preserved in the central parts of historic cities. That is why the preservation of the originality of the compositional and spatial constructions of the city center acquires special significance.