Короткий опис(реферат):
У дослідженні проаналізовано анотації англійською мовою до дипломних робіт та статей студентів, аспірантів і викладачів НАОМА, та виявлено найтиповіші помилки. Розглянуто особливості анотацій наукових статей, їхня структура, граматичні та лексичні засоби. Надано рекомендації
щодо перекладу найбільш характерних кліше та мистецтвознавчих термінів.
English has become increasingly important for academic communication across the globe. Translating abstracts is among the necessary requirements for research papers as well as for theses and dissertations. Although
Fundamentals of Translation are included into the curriculum of the Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, the students still face difficulties while translating their abstracts. Making mistakes in scientific papers may
result in decreased comprehension or even misinterpretation. Thus, this study’s objective was to reveal common mistakes and to suggest relevant translation models. For this purpose, some examples of English academic art writing were studied and the analysis of Ukrainian writers’ abstracts was conducted. The analysis of the abstracts revealed the most common grammar and vocabulary mistakes, which are mainly caused by differences between Ukrainian and English grammar, as well as by ignoring polysemy, poor understanding of context and «translator’s false friends». The article also provides a table of Ukrainian — English equivalents common in academic art writing. This study’s results can be used as the Academy’s curriculum supplement and may be of
interest for both students and professors.