Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Оcобливості архітектури кримськотатарського житла

Show simple item record Сейтасанов, Едем Seitasanov, Edem 2022-02-23T12:22:57Z 2022-02-23T12:22:57Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Сейтасанов Е. Оcобливості архітектури кримськотатарського житла / Едем Сейтасанов // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. - Київ, 2019. - Вип. 28. - С. 58-67. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті розглянуто особливості проектування кримськотатарського житла в гірських, передгірних і степових районах Криму. Визначені основні принципи і прийоми, які складалися упродовж тисяч років проживання людей в Криму. The author highlights specifics of designing Crimean Tatar housing accommodation in mountainous, piedmont and steppe areas of Crimea. The article presents the core principles and methods established over the thousands of years, i.e., the period people have resided in Crimea. The specifics of designing Crimean Tatar housing accommodation were identified, being inherent to the natural and climatic conditions of Crimea, as well as geomorphologic structure of the relief. All those specifics have been naturally reflected in the architectural and spacious planning of Crimean Tatar housing accommodation. The factual information employed for the purpose of this study was collected through in situ examinations of Crimea's historical buildings, studying the ad-hoc publications issued in 1880–1939, as kept in the library stock of BIKAMZ (Crimean historical museum preserve in Bakhchysarai), in the library stock of I. Hasprinskyi Scientific Library, sources from the museum stock in Simferopol, Bakhchysarai and private collections, architectural materials form the state owned depositories (the state archive of Crimean Oblast). No broad-scale studies have been undertaken in Crimea covering architecture of Crimean Tatar housing accommodation. Certain aspects of Crimean Tatar architecture are highlighted in the papers by: U. Bodadinskyi, B. A. Kuftin, Yu. V. Krykun, M. A. Voloshyn. The foregoing papers were published in the early XX century. They are mainly devoted to studying typology of Crimean Tatar housing accommodation. The important aspect concerns the architectural methods of forming areas built up with Crimean Tatar housing accommodation. The time proved the need in researching the Crimean Tatar housing accommodation, subject to the important features of using rationally the relief geometrical specifics, the rational geometry principles, creating certain preconditions for the architectural and planning specifics of the Crimean Tatar housing accommodation in the architectural system of Crimea. Unavailability of the overall picture covering specifics of the Crimean Tatar housing accommodation forming in Crimea, and evolution thereof relying on the scientific analysis, ravels estimation of the contemporary condition preventing establishment of the basic regularities and trends of development, preventing error-free handing the task of future development. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject кримськотатарська житлова забудова en_US
dc.subject особливості проектування en_US
dc.subject Crimean Tatar housing accommodation en_US
dc.subject pecifics of designing en_US
dc.title Оcобливості архітектури кримськотатарського житла en_US
dc.title.alternative Architectural specifics of crimean tatar housing accommodation en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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