Repository of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Про дискусії в академічному середовищі НАОМА щодо питань художньої освіти та мистецьких тенденцій другої половини ХХ століття

Show simple item record Ковальчук, Остап Вікторович Kovalchuk, Ostap 2022-06-03T12:24:29Z 2022-06-03T12:24:29Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Ковальчук О. Про дискусії в академічному середовищі НАОМА щодо питань художньої освіти та мистецьких тенденцій другої половини ХХ століття / Остап Ковальчук // Українська академія мистецтва : дослідн. та наук.-метод. пр. - Київ, 2019. - Вип. 28. - С. 180-186. en_US
dc.description.abstract У статті розглянута проблема дискусії як способу академічного обміну і спілкування. Обґрунтована важливість дослідження неформальних джерел інформації для кращого розуміння й об’єктивного аналізу подій. Вперше наведені численні факти, отримані автором під час особистого спілкування з професурою. Показана вирішальна роль особистості в дискусійному процесі за умов відсутності системного інст­рументу прийняття незалежних від панівної ідеології рішень. The article considers the problem of discussion as a process and a way of academic exchange and communication. The relevance of the research is substantiated by the fact that the chosen topic has mostly not been considered in the field of scientific research. The importance of researching informal sources of informa­tion for a better understanding and more objective analysis of events is substantiated as well. For the first time, numerous facts gathered by the author during personal communication with the academics are presented. The subject and the conclusions of the study will contribute for a better understanding of the historical role of both public and non­public discussion in the artistic process, in particular in its pedagogical component. Contemporary art education, as well as public opinion in general, focuses on the individuality of the artist, so in the artistic environment can not but arise new discussions and even conflicts. Discussions and controversy among teachers and students in the analyzed period were less ideological in nature, in contrast to the pre­WWII period in the educational institution. In the postwar period, some artists­teachers were oppressed and persecuted because of their own conceptual principles in teaching practice. Such teachers were deprived of the opportunity to spread their artistic ideas among students. Later, under the influence of the changing political situation in the country, they were invited to teach at universities again and they formed the forefront of the revival and formation of a new art school. The influence of mass media on the cultural process both in the conditions of a totalitarian society and in the conditions of the modern reforms is analyzed in the article. The current state of the coverage of cultural events in the media and the impact of this process on the artistic environment is considered. The article shows that the decisive role in the course of the discussion is played by the personality, and not by the ideological or pedagogi­cal value of the subject of discussion. The key role of the individual in the discussion process in the absence of a systemic tool for making decisions independent of the dominant ideology is also emphasized. The author concludes that even in the Soviet postwar period there was still opposition in art education. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject художня освіта en_US
dc.subject образотворче мистецтво en_US
dc.subject НАОМА en_US
dc.subject дискусія en_US
dc.subject art education en_US
dc.subject fine arts en_US
dc.subject NAFFA en_US
dc.subject discussion en_US
dc.title Про дискусії в академічному середовищі НАОМА щодо питань художньої освіти та мистецьких тенденцій другої половини ХХ століття en_US
dc.title.alternative Discussions on the issues of art education and the artistic trends within the academic environment of NAFAA in the second half of the XX cenury en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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